
Radical Authentic Living.


Hi, I’m Tia. I’m a psychic for CEOs and conscious female leaders. My mission is to help open-hearted and mission-oriented women make aligned decisions. As I bridge the gap between the conscious and subconscious, I’m here to help you move forward with purpose in your career and relationships. 

From entrepreneurs, CEOs, and news anchors to doctors, teachers, and creatives, I have helped hundreds of women trust themselves, identify what is holding them back, and find more flow and alignment in their life.

Are you ready to authentically show up and shine brighter than ever? Are you looking to feel empowered and trust yourself again?

Let me show you how.

Tia’s intuitive nature, kind demeanor and loving spirit has helped to guide me through some on the most important decisions in my life.

Erin M., Principle at Mandel Residential

As a mental health professional and as someone who has provided and received therapy for years, I have been astounded by how much I learned about myself and grew with tia’s support and guidance. She has helped me open my mind, heart, and soul in ways I couldn’t have anticipated. With a healthy dose of humor.

Melissa D., MD

Her intuition and guidance is always spot on: revealing hidden layers and clarifying exactly what I’m experiencing in the moment. She has opened up a deeper awareness and acceptance towards myself and others in a way I didn’t know was possible!

Kimothy Joy, Illustrator & Author “That’s What She Said”

I teach empowerment, self-awareness, and radical authentic living and would love to speak to YOU and YOUR people.

If you’re part of an organization looking for a speaker to inspire your team, a Transformational Talk will do just that!

This is a guided session where we discuss where you feel confusion, challenges, or resistance in your life. I offer insight based on what you are uniquely born to. Time, date, & place of birth is needed.

By referencing your gifts, decision-making style, personal tendencies, love and work style, I offer guidance so you can consciously make decisions.